
Komodo Island

Komodo Island, is a paradise for divers. Renownedfor its spectacular underwater landscapes and diverse marine life, this remoteisland has become a top destination for those seeking an unforgettable divingexperience.

The island is part of the Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a designated national park. Its fame is notsolely derived from the mighty Komodo dragons that roam its land but extendsbeneath the surface to the astounding underwater world that surrounds it. Themarine environment here is a kaleidoscope of colours, teeming with vibrantcoral reefs, and an abundance of fish of all shapes and sizes.

Variety of dive sites

Komodo offers a variety of dive sites that cater toall skill levels. From gentle, shallow coral gardens to challenging deep-seapinnacles. The currents in these waters can be strong, creating anadrenaline-pumping experience for advanced divers while providing a thrillingride for drift diving enthusiasts.

The underwater topography is as diverse as themarine life it supports. Vibrant coral gardens, underwater cliffs, and cavernsare just a few of the wonders waiting to be explored. Batu Bolong, one of thefamous dive sites, is a pinnacle surrounded by strong currents, offering athrilling dive with encounters of sharks, rays, and an abundance of colourfulreef fish. Manta Point, as the name suggests, is a haven for manta rays, anddivers often find themselves surrounded by these majestic creatures, gliding throughthe crystal-clear waters.

Komodo Island is remarkable

The diversity of the coral reefs around Komodo Island is remarkable, making it a haven for marine life. Divers can witness an arrayof marine life, including but not limited to schools of tropical fish, seaturtles, octopuses, and countless species of invertebrates.

Komodo is a must visit for any diver seeking an unparalleled diving adventure with its combination of thrilling currents, diverse dive sites, and vibrant marine.